The home loan market is competitive, and many lenders are fighting for your home loan dollar. Offers come thick and fast across the board, from big banks to credit unions, and the cashback offer is the latest way they are trying to lure you from their competitors. But...
Purchasing property is likely to be one of the most significant financial commitments of your adult life. It requires considerable thought, planning, and due diligence. While you can go through the different stages of the property purchase process yourself, it would...
As the property market continues to boom, experts expect lenders and regulatory authorities to step in to prevent further overheating by raising interest rates. Here is a quick look at increasing interest rates for existing and prospective borrowers. #1 Prospective...
Refinancing can be a smart move, but it does not always work out for the better. For example, tighter lender approval processes, including changes to living expense calculations, can reduce your options for shopping around. Also, remember that what you borrowed when...